March 8, 2025
O Come, All You Unfaithful - Sovereign Grace Music

This very heart-felt and soul-lifting song encourages you, who are faithful believers, to come together and proclaim the name of the most high, Jesus Christ.

It was written by Lisa Clow and Bob Kauflin, which was released from the album “Heaven Has Come.”

“O Come, All You Unfaithful” is a powerful gospel song by American gospel band Sovereign Grace Music. According to them, the video of this song contains people who are processing “O Come, All You Unfaithful,” most of them for the first time, in light of their own experiences. A stillborn child. A strained marriage. Feelings of shame. Legalism. Loss. Loneliness. Or simply having a heart that weeps with those who weep.

We think seeing their responses as Lisa Clow sings communicates even more clearly that Jesus wasn’t born for people who have it all together. He was born for those who have nothing.

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”” (Matthew 11.28–30, ESV)

“She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1.21, ESV)

Finally, this is a beautiful song to celebrate advent season and Christ’s birth! What a God we have that He would condescend Himself to be born without the curse of sin to a virgin peasant then scorned and mocked by the very people that awaited His arrival.

He then took the sins of all generations of those who would believe upon Himself and drank the full cup of God “The Father’s” wrath on our behalf so that we may be risen with Him from death to life everlasting.

Oh ye faithful, share your thought below…


[Verse 1]

O come, all you unfaithful

Come, weak and unstable

Come, know you are not alone

[Verse 2]

O come, barren and waiting ones

Weary of praying, come

See what your God has done


Christ is born, Christ is born

Christ is born for you

[Verse 3]

O come, bitter and broken

Come with fears unspoken

Come, taste of His perfect love

[Verse 4]

O come, guilty and hiding ones

There is no need to run

See what your God has done


Christ is born, Christ is born

Christ is born for you


He’s the Lamb who was given

Slain for our pardon

His promise is peace

For those who believe

He’s the Lamb who was given

Slain for our pardon

His promise is peace

For those who believe

[Verse 5]

So come, though you have nothing

Come, He is the offering

Come, see what your God has done


Christ is born, Christ is born

Christ is born for you

Christ is born, Christ is born

Christ is born for you


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